Sunrise Library & Study Club
Bangalow A-1 Khalid Housing Society Phase 1, Qasimabad, Hyderabad
Whatsapp: 03312461333 | Mobile: 03423447461 | Phone: 0226124805
Library Membership Form
Full Name: ______________________
Father's Name: ______________________
CNIC No: (Self/Father/Brother) ______________________
Photograph: 1.5" x 1.5" (1 Copy)
Date of Birth: ______________________
Qualification: ______________________
Present Institution: ______________________
Roll Number: ______________________
Whatsapp: ______________________
Email: ______________________
Mobile: ______________________
Present Address: ______________________
Purpose of Joining Library:
☐ Combined Competitive Exam ☐ MDCAT/ECAT ☐ Job Prep ☐ CSS ☐ Other
Emergency Contact: ______________________
Relation: ______________________
Emergency Contact No: ______________________
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